Before investing in a mutual fund scheme, it is common among investors to examine the past returns. More often than not, these returns are merely indicative, however, they are seen to be setting the tone of a scheme in the future.
Here, we take a look at the returns delivered by flexi cap mutual funds in the past three years
For those who are unaware, flexi cap schemes refer to the mutual funds which invest a minimum of 65 percent of their investment in equity and equity-related instruments. These mutual funds are free to invest in the stocks across market capitalisation i.e., small cap, mid cap and large cap in any proportion.
There are around 10 flexi cap mutual funds which gave over 15 percent annualised return in the past three years (as on Nov 14, 2024).
(Source: AMFI; Returns as on Nov 14)
As one can see in the table above, JM Flexi Cap gave the highest 3-year return (22.81%) followed by HDFC Flexi Cap (21.58%).
Meanwhile, other high performing flexi cap mutual funds include Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund (19.31%) and ICICI Prudential Flexi Cap Fund (17.23%).
In terms of the asset size, the largest schemes are Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund ( ₹82,567 crore) and HDFC Flexi Cap Fund ( ₹64,221 crore) whereas the smallest scheme (with asset size of ₹1,897 crore) is run by Bank of India mutual fund.
As a category, flexi cap funds are the second-most popular after sectoral & thematic funds. Overall, there are a total of 39 flexi cap schemes with a total AUM of ₹4.27 lakh crore. Out of this, an inflow of ₹5,180 crore was seen in October alone, reveals the latest AMFI data.
It is worth mentioning here that the past returns of a mutual fund scheme are supposed to be indicative and not the true reflection of a scheme’s future potential. In other words, merely because a mutual fund has delivered exceptional returns in the recent past, it doesn’t necessarily mean it would continue to give the same returns in the future as well.
Note: This story is for informational purposes only. Please speak to a SEBI-registered investment advisor before making any investment related decision.
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