The True Meaning of Shiva, Adi Guru, and Adiyogi


In this video, Sadhguru dives deep into the profound spiritual meanings behind the names Shiva, Adi Guru, and Adiyogi. Shiva — often seen as a God in Hinduism — is more than just a name or an individual. According to Sadhguru, Shiva actually refers to a dimension “that which is not” — something beyond the physical realm. It represents a reality that our senses, being limited to detecting only the physical, cannot directly perceive. Sadhguru explains that Adiyogi and Adi Guru are titles associated with the same profound energy, pointing to a state of being that transcends physicality and connects one to the ultimate truth. Yoga, Sadhguru emphasizes, is a tool to enhance perception, enabling one to experience and perceive the unseen, the non-physical dimension of existence.


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